Asalaamualaikum, my name is Misbah Akhtar and I’m essentially an author, blogger and
social activist. I am the founder of Single Muslim Mums – an organisation that aims to
provide support for single Muslim mothers and break the stigma surrounding divorcees by
promoting awareness. I’m the author of ‘Ramadan Without Daddy’ the first of kind
children’s book exploring the concept of divorce and absentee fathers from an Islamic
standpoint. And finally my blog: Mumspiration is concerned with parenting, wellness and
social, mental health issues. I’m also a single mother to 4 children ranging from 2-14!

The best advice I ever received was not one that was sent to me alone but the whole of
humanity. It is from a hadeeth – Uqbah ibn Amir reported that the Prophet Muhammad
(sallilahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “No one is better than anyone else except by religion or
good deeds.” (shu’ab al-Iman 4767). This has enabled me to have confidence when speaking
up against injustice alhamdulillah.

If I could speak to my 16 year old me, I would explain to her that happiness comes from
within and not from any one person. I would tell her that self validation is more important
than external validation and I would tell her that her life means something otherwise she
wouldn’t have been given it.

I think every woman should know that the only role models they will ever need can be
found in Islam – the Qur’an, Sunnah and hadith. There are amazing women in the history of
Islam who we can learn from; emulate them, not those who follow culture.

Personal development is something I am passionate about. I am constantly striving to
improve myself and gain closeness to Allah swt.

I don’t believe in a bucket list per se, but an ambition of mine is to become a motivational
speaker in sha Allah (make dua guys please!)

My biggest passions are making other people feel better, seeing to it that they are treated
fairly and standing up against injustice.

I love my honesty and sense of justice. I’m not scared to tell the truth because Allah swt
sees all anyway.



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